The Rule Of Honor

"Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law is both. For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, 'If I live, I will kill you. If I die, you are forgiven.' Such is the rule of honor."

Monday, March 22, 2010


This is mainly towards Mrs. Jenkins here but anyone who questions me may as well read this as well.
First, Antisocial Personality Disorder happens to 3% of men in the United States, and considering I have it, I'm like 3% of the male population and 97% of the prison population. I require no pity nor help. I have made it for 15 years with this; I have already accepted the fact that I'm different, not using the word "freak", despite the fact that I am, in fact, a freak.

Next, I need to provide the basis for my beliefs. While Mrs. Jenkins has provided a reasonable argument, implying that she has kept an open mind, I still sense a closed mind. I was at this point too, but after I left the church that I was going to for a while, I needed a leader, but I had to be my own. Throwing everything I had previously believed away, I looked at the world as a heretic for the first time.

Here's part of my argument, Christianity only belonged to the Europeans at the time it was created. In North America, polytheism ruled the natives. Now according to Christianity, those who do not believe in God, would be condemned. So my question is, if all of this is true, why weren't the native North Americans given a chance at salvation?

Mrs. Jenkins, I honestly hope your wrong about Christianity, for if your right, I have no chance at redemption. According to the Book, I have already committed the unforgivable sin, blasphemy, thus I cannot be saved anymore. If you truly believe this strongly in your opinions, then I ask that you pray for my soul.

My lesson learned was hidden, when I described my situation, I presented a person who had no chance at becoming an intellectual, yet I have developed my own philosophy and theology. I have gone past my violent nature, but not yet overcome the war in my mind. I may be an antisocial, or a psychopath, but I am living proof that the human mind can overcome even the greatest obstacles.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Lesson Learned

I am a victim to Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD for short), so most of the lessons I needed to take in from childhood, happened to escape me. Despite the fact that I am a natural born freak, I have the mind of anyone else, save for intellect and my religious views. The only reason that I mention this is to show that most every lesson I needed to learn, I have had to learn from experience.
As I said before, I am a natural born freak. Quiet on the outside, while wars are waged in my mind to maintain my reserved nature rather than break out in violence. I have been able to keep this way for a few years now. Yet this isn't the situation, but it helps describe the difficulty of me learning about the "social norm".
A freak on the outside, and an intellect on the inside, I studied many things, including the Bible. This book had taken my interest, being born into Christianity. Soon, I started to noticed contradictions with it and history. I began to realize that the Holy Book may be corrupt, like the Catholic popes who were supposedly chosen.
Mankind was created in God's image; that seems arrogant of people to believe. God is all powerful; I honestly believe in an all powerful being that created life, we can't possibly be a 1/3000000 freak of science. The end of the world is coming soon; honestly, I find it arrogant of people to think that people will see the end of the world in this generation, but maybe the planet is entering a chaotic era, due to the inhabiting/infestation of mankind. This is what I had learned. This is why I keep to myself, and this is why I am a freak.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Comma What?

My father had left our house in the midst of a fight between Lindsey and my mother. My mother was trying to get Lindsey to go with her to the Y to swim. Without thinking, Lindsey had blared, "I'd rather die!", at the top of her lungs. My father watched as my mother froze, then burst fleeing to their bedroom to wail behind the door. He quietly tucked his notebook in his jacket pocket, took the car keys off the hook by the back door, and snuck out.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Gossip Got Your Tongue

  1. My conversations would not be much different. I don't tend to talk about people, well at least not in a negative or untrue fashion. Considering I don't like hypocrisy, and I don't like people who talk about others, it would be hypocritical to talk about someone, so I choose not to.
  2. I believe people do it because they yearn for knowledge, and since people have the ability to communicate, they pass it on to others as well, it's primitive. Another reason may be just to find a vice, people like me, antisocial, are so subtle that people are dying to know more about this person. If someone hears about said antisocial, they won't care whether it's true or not, they will spread the word and use their imaginary vice. I know, I was a victim.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Literary Elements: TAKS PT 3

  1. Satire-a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn.
  2. Irony-a pretense of ignorance and of willingness to learn from another assumed in order to make the other's false conceptions conspicuous by adroit questioning
  3. Analogy-inference that if two or more things agree with one another in some respects they will probably agree in others
  4. Foreshadowing-to represent, indicate, or typify beforehand

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Figurative Language

  1. Figurative means to relate to representation of form or figure in art
  2. A figure of speech is a form of expression used to convey meaning or heighten effect often by comparing or identifying one thing with another that has a meaning or connotation familiar to the reader or listener. Imagery is figurative language used to create a mental picture. A trope is the use of a word or expression in a figurative sense.
  3. They all are used to help the reader understand his book more clearly than just looking into a dictionary.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Story Spinners: Option 3

As I regained consciousness, I remember asking Jack to take me home before things got out of hand. The day at the dog fights got that serious when a drunk challenged me. I have Jack to blame for my situation, but rather than playing the blame game, I decided that I needed to figure out the situation first. I was obviously in a dark alley where it seemed to be pouring rain. "Perfect timing, Mother Nature" I said under my breath.
Last thing I remember was headlights, possibly charging towards me. It had to be Jack's stubborn friend, he was always out to get me, but this seemed extreme. Then something caught my attention, a small door to my right was shaking. I opened it and entered a room with many doors. Many entrances leading to many opportunities.
My curiosity got the best of me eventually, leading me into a random door that led to a vestibule. It was lined with mirrors everywhere. I called out to see if anyone was there, no one answered. Turning my attention to the mirrors, I found it creepy to be looking at so many me's while in an eerie situation. I finally got to the end of the vestibule to notice another room, but rather than many doors, there was windows, and, to my surprise, my cell phone.
I checked the call log, nothing, messages, nothing, but the voicemail had something, something inaccessible. I then decided to call Jack and ask him what is going on. Cell phone service was obliterated, of course. I then continued my journey in this creepy house, considering that I forgot my way back out of there.
Many rooms and hallways later, I finally found my way out. I found the rest of my possessions on a table next to the exit. I found Jack at the corner, passed out. Then I realized, he was in the same situation as me, and we weren't getting out. I revived Jack and made sure that the alley we were in was safe.
Then I asked him, but it seemed that his guess was as good as mine, for the last thing he remembered was a pair of headlights. He had no idea where he was, who put him there (at first, he suspected me), or why we were there. All we both knew was that it had something to do with his brother.
Jack's family had a strong history of mental illness. Psychopathy, personality disorders, and inevitably, insanity. Jack was immune, he never got the mental illnesses promised through genetics. He always questioned this. Recently, his brother was released from the mental hospital, obviously, he was good at faking his emotions. It seemed like a cage set by this man, noting that every room I went into drove me crazy.
The only question left was why, none of us had done anything to the man, not that I could remember anyway. If Jack's brother had put us here, he had no reason other than vengeance towards his little brother, but that left a hole. I barely knew the guy, and yet he was always out to hurt me.
The questions would have to wait, we needed to get out of here. A building adjacent to the one I exited from collapsed, nearly smothering Jack. After making sure he was alright, the building I exited from imploded. Someone didn't want me to find Jack. Yet, in all of this, I never thought to just try and leave the alley, to my good fortune. After looking I saw that it was lined with electric fencing and on the outside, trip mines.
My clothes were soaked enough as is, so me and Jack entered a building that looked sturdy and dry enough. What we saw was horrific, and we knew immediately that this was the work of the crazy older brother. I still remember what he said when he found out that it was my fault he was in a mental hospital. Thinking harder about that last thought, I had it all figured out. He was after me because I helped lock him up.
I decided to explore the house, in a room was what seemed to be the key to my exit, I checked my phone. Phone service was perfect there. I listened to the voice mail, but all I heard were numbers. I realized too late that it was a countdown. With a heavy breath, Jack's brother counted down to my demise. With perfect timing, the roof collapsed in on me on his mark.

Personality test results-Mark Fierro

Personality Disorder Test Results
Paranoid |||||||||||||||||| 74%
Schizoid |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Schizotypal |||||||||||||||| 70%
Antisocial |||||||||||||||| 70%
Borderline |||||||||||||||||| 78%
Histrionic |||||||||||||||| 70%
Narcissistic |||||| 22%
Avoidant |||||||||||||||| 70%
Dependent |||| 18%
Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||| 34%
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